Memcached is a widely used distributed memory object caching system, which can enhance the loading speed and the performance of your sites substantially in case they use an API or a database. This is achieved by caching the calls to the database/API and the replies that are returned, so when a user conducts a search for some product on your Internet site, for example, the database won’t have to be accessed to return the results and the entire operation will be performed considerably quicker. This is valid for all kinds of database-driven apps and not only for online stores, since every time a given page is accessed, the application sends a database query to get the content that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your website open noticeably faster, but it will also generate much less server load. If any content in the database is changed, the cached responses will also be updated, so the site visitors won’t see any old info.

Memcached in Shared Web Hosting

You can take advantage of the Memcached distributed memory object caching system with all shared web hosting that we are offering. It is offered as an upgrade, which you can enable with just a couple of clicks of the mouse from your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. It requires an extension, which is already installed on our cloud website hosting platform, so you can begin using Memcached once you add it. The upgrade is separated into two parts, which will give you more freedom depending on the Internet sites that you’d like to use it for. The first one defines the number of the Internet sites that will use the Memcached caching system, or the ‘instances’, whereas the second one refers to the system memory, in other words – to how much content Memcached will be able to cache. You can add more memory in increments of 16 megabytes and the more memory you have added, the more content will be cached, which may be a really good idea for busy sites with large databases and many visitors. In this way, you can boost the speed of any script-based site hosted on our cloud servers without any effort.

Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers

You can get the Memcached object caching system as an optional upgrade with each of our semi-dedicated servers and since it works with any script-based software app, you can use it for each site that you host on our semi-dedicated servers, regardless of what application you have used – WordPress, Mambo or Joomla, a custom-developed application, etc. You can add the upgrade via the respective section of the Hepsia Control Panel from which you manage your semi-dedicated server account, and you can select two separate features – the number of instances and the amount of system memory that they will use. To put it simply, these things show the number of the Internet sites that will use Memcached and the amount of system memory that the system will be able to use to store your content. The two features are ordered separately for more flexibility and one instance does not come bundled with a fixed amount of system memory. You can make full use of the Memcached system with any sort of website and both you and your visitors will quickly note the difference in the performance.

Memcached in Dedicated Servers

You can take advantage of the full potential of Memcached with every dedicated server that we are offering in case you select Hepsia as your Control Panel. A special Control Panel section is dedicated to the distributed memory caching system and you can begin using Memcached for any Internet site hosted on the server with just several mouse clicks. You can optimize the overall performance of any site, no matter what script-based web application you rely on or how popular the Internet site is, as the minimum amount of system memory that Memcached will be able to employ is three gigabytes and this amount increases substantially with the more powerful servers. Soon after the caching system is enabled, it will start caching info every time someone browses your website, so, once enough data has been cached, you’ll distinguish the decreased server load and the improved performance of your website. Memcached is used by numerous websites, among them popular portals like Zynga, Reddit and Wikipedia, which is a confirmation of the effectiveness of the Memcached caching system.